Article name On the Solution of the Dirichlet Problem in the Half-Plane for Divergent Equations with Piecewise Smooth Coefficients
Authors Kholodovsky S.Y. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
Bibliographic description Kholodovskii S. Ye. On the Solution of the Dirichlet Problem in the Half-Plane for Divergent Equations with Piecewise Smooth Coefficients / / Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No 3. PP. 38-45. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-3-38-45.
UDK 517.956
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-3-38-45
Article type
Annotation The first boundary-value problem in a half-plane y < 0 consisting of two quadrants D1(x < 0) and D2(x > 0), in which the divergence equation has coefficients of the form respectively, k1(x) = a(b1x — 1)- 2 and k2(x) = a(b2x + 1)- 2, is considered. On the line x = 0 there are conjugation conditions. This problem simulates the established processes of heat and mass transfer in inhomogeneous media with a continuous permeability function that has a maximum on the line x = 0. Bv the method of convolution of Fourier expansions, the solution of the problem is expressed through the solution of the classical Dirichlet problem in the half-plane for the Laplace equation.
Key words boundary value problems, divergence equation, inhomogeneous permeable media, generalized conjugation conditions, method of convolution of Fourier expansions
Article information
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Full articleOn the Solution of the Dirichlet Problem in the Half-Plane for Divergent Equations with Piecewise Smooth Coefficients