Article name Training of a Digital Teacher in the Networking Educational Communication
Authors Sidorenko O.S. Head of the Regional Resource Centre “ICT in education”,
Bibliographic description Sidorenko O. S. Training of a Digital Teacher in the Networking Educational Communication // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 2. PP. 14–17. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-2-14-17.
UDK 37.0:004
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-2-14-17
Article type
Annotation The training of a digital teacher and the transformation of his activities in the digitalization conditions are becoming increasingly relevant because of the widespread introduction of digital technologies and tools in modern education. These processes cause the formation of a new educational inquiry, which makes it necessary to change the professional activity of the teacher. Network educational communication changes the information environment of interaction between a digital teacher and a student, principles of structuring and using the educational material, expansion of digital tools in the professional activity. The article is devoted to the training of a digital teacher on the basis of network educational communication, created on the basis of the regional resource center of Chita teacher training college. The author specifies the new roles of a digital teacher, reveals didactic features of professional activity in the modern environment, presents the model of network educational communication and its components, identifies relevant digital competences.
Key words digital teacher, network educational communication, digital competences
Article information
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