Article name Experience of Using of Dalton Plan in the National School in the 20s of the Twentieth Century
Authors Levchenko O.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor, levchenkozip@
Bibliographic description Levchenko O. Yu. Experience of Using of Dalton Plan in the National School in the 20s of the Twentieth Century // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 1. PP. 92–97. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-1-92-97.
UDK 373(091)
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-1-92-97
Article type
Annotation In modern conditions, fundamentally new requirements are put forward for the organization of foreign language education. Searches for innovative technologies that provide high quality education corresponding to the requirements specified in the federal state educational standards are carried out. One of the ways to solve these problems is to appeal to the positive experience accumulated in different periods in domestic education and analyze the effectiveness of the used methods and technologies of training. Historical and pedagogical and methodological sources, official documents of state bodies, periodical, analytical, and statistical publications make it possible to study objectively and analyze the state of the problem under consideration. The main research method was a theoretical analysis of the sources studied, which allows to identify the features and properties of the Dalton plan and to trace the history of its use in educational activities in a certain period. This article is dedicated to the 20s of the twentieth century - one of the periods of the development of national pedagogy and methods of teaching of foreign languages, within the framework of which the creation of a new Soviet school took place. One of the innovations of this period was the Dalton Plan, which was an alternative to the class-oriented organization of the Russian pre-revolutionary school. The author highlighted the distinctive features of this technology, describes the order of organization of educational activities with its use and the system for recording personal achievements of students, as well as its positive and negative aspects, indicated in the works of contemporaries. Particular attention to the use of the Dalton-plan in the German language teaching, the description of the teaching and methodological support, the types of tasks performed by students and the criteria for their assessment is paid in the article. The study of the history of teaching foreign languages, in particular the use of the Dalton Plan, has an undoubted perspective in the context of solving actual problems facing the modern system of foreign language education.
Key words history of education, Dalton Plan, foreign language, teaching methods, innovative technologies
Article information
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Full articleExperience of Using of Dalton Plan in the National School in the 20s of the Twentieth Century