Article name English Literary Criticism in Russia in the Second Half of the 20th and the Beginning of the 21st Century: Translated and Original Publications
Authors Dolgopolaya M.S. graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section World Philology
UDK 82.091:81.111’255.6’06
Article type
Annotation The paper analyzes Western scientists’ translated publications and Russian literary critics’ fundamental investigations. These works constitute terms-and-notions corpus with special English vocabulary. The amount of English vocabulary in contemporary science prevails in comparison with the terms and notions borrowed from other Western languages. The fact can be explained by the leading positions of Great Britain’s and the USA’s specialists in discovering new interpretative methods and coining new terms and notions to describe them.
Key words literary criticism, Western literary criticism, English literary criticism terminology, term, notion.
Article information
Full articleEnglish Literary Criticism in Russia in the Second Half of the 20th and the Beginning of the 21st Century: Translated and Original Publications