Article name Majority Rule in the Problem of the Best Choice for Three Persons
Authors Nosalskaya T.E. graduate student ,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK В 11
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the sequential game related to the best-choice problem. Three players participate in the negotiations, which consist of K stages. At some step each of them receives an offer that he should accept or reject. After the players have made a decision, the majority rule comes into force: if at least two of them have accepted the offer, the corresponding solution is carried out, otherwise there is discounting and the negotiations move to the next step. The process continues until the players reach an agreement, or until the negotiations reach the final stage. The equilibrium in the class of threshold strategies is found for the described game.
Key words best-choice problem, sequential negotiations, majority rule, discounting, agreement.
Article information
Full articleMajority Rule in the Problem of the Best Choice for Three Persons