Article name Solving Boundary Value Problems in Piecewise Homogeneous Regions with Double-layer Film Inclusions
Authors Nutchina-Pestryakova N.V. Graduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 517.956
Article type
Annotation The paper presents solutions of different types of boundary value problems for Laplace equation in a piecewise homogeneous cylinders with the double-layer film, as well as problems with overlapping double-layer films on the plane. Using the method of convolution of Fourier expansions, the problems solutions are expressed in terms of the solution of classical problems in homogeneous cylinders or a set of harmonic functions on the plane.
Key words boundary value problems, method of convolution of Fourier expansions, double-layer film inclusions.
Article information
Full articleSolving Boundary Value Problems in Piecewise Homogeneous Regions with Double-layer Film Inclusions