Article name Wandering in the World of Things (Features of Joseph Brodsky’ Poetics)
Authors Kirsanova L.I. Doctor of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description
UDK 821.161.1
Article type
Annotation Things are not neutral elements of experience. They interact with us, enter into a relationship: sometimes friendly, often hostile. In naming things, calling them from the chaos of the use and consumption, the final word belongs to the poet. Brodsky’s poetics is the reflection of the characteristics of things existing in the modern world. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that he thinks of being in terms of things, derives meanings through the images of things that create a full impression of his inner world. The article shows the instability of the modern world that has lost the properties of stable things and has acquired a “nomadic” character. This approach can be called phenomenological, when a certain cultural phenomenon of the spiritual realm is regarded by the appearance of things. The author involves the philosophy of phenomenology (M. Heidegger), existentialism (Sartre) and structuralism (Levi- Strauss) as methodological tools.
Key words poetics, wandering, Joseph Brodsky, inner world, phenomenological approach
Article information
Full articleWandering in the World of Things (Features of Joseph Brodsky’ Poetics)