Article name Social Education in Russia
Authors Grigorjev S.I. Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Education,
Guslyakova L.G. Doctor of Sociology, Professor,
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UDK 378
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Annotation In modern conditions of current social and economic development of Russia, there is a demand to manage social sphere processes efficiently. It, in its turn, suggests new requirements to the educational system that mirrors the character and the development level of society. Social education as a social institution of mastering and reproducing new social experience acquires special significance in this respect. Being a factor and condition for social self-realization and promotion, education becomes a mover of social progress providing its stability, harmony, conflicts or regress. Thus, it is necessary to study the problems of social efficiency and quality of social education, the interrelation of education as a social institution with the social structure of modern society and other social institutions as well as the development of new educational tendencies as varieties of social problems.
Key words social sphere, social education, educational institution, social-cultural conditions.
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