Article |
Article name |
Gender-based Education of the Individual: the Complementarity Idea of Russian and Western Pedagogy Approaches |
Authors |
Boyarkina, M.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Practical Pedagogy |
316.346 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with the problem of the personality’s gender upbringing. The author states the
conditionality of the personality’s gender education on the societal transformations taking place in culture
and leading to a confusion of social roles of men and women in all spheres of human life and activity.
The author shows different points of view to understand the nature of gender, reveals the approaches to
the education of individual men and women in Russian and Western pedagogy. The article highlights the
differences in the gender approach to education in Russia, involving differentiation of the roles of men
and women depending on their gender, and the gender-based approach to education in the West, creating
the conditions for the development of a culture of human behavior, taking into account not only gender,
but also individual characteristics, social demands and cultural environment of the individual. The author
emphasizes the lack of preparedness and practical implementation of these approaches. The article substantiates
the idea of creating a new approach to the education of individual men and women based on the
complementarity of the existing approaches in Russia and Western pedagogy.
Key words |
gender, masculinity, femininity, androgyny, gender role, sex-role education, genderrole
education. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Gender-based Education of the Individual: the Complementarity Idea of Russian and Western Pedagogy Approaches |