Article name Peculiarities of Ethnic Auto- and Heterostereotypes of the Population in the Zabaikalsky Krai
Authors Bolshakova O.B. Graduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Social and Educational Psychology
UDK 88
Article type
Annotation People’s interethnic perception of each other is one of the key aspects of understanding and effective interacting of the representatives of different cultures. Ethnic stereotypes are considered to be an important component of interethnic perceptions. The article presents the analysis of the results of an empirical study of auto- and heterostereotypes of the population in the Zabaikalsky Krai. As a diagnostic tool the study uses G. U. Soldatova’s “Diagnostic Test of Attitudes.” The results of the research show that the respondents evaluate positively their own actions, attitudes and personal qualities. This fact indicates the predominance of positive autostereotypes in the minds of the respondents. Among the representatives of other nationalities residing outside of Russia, the greatest interest in the Chinese is observed due to the proximity of China’s border and the opportunity to enter the territory of this country, learn about its traditions and customs and communicate with the representatives of this nationality. To a lesser extent the respondents are interested in personal qualities and attitudes of Americans and Germans, because of occasional contacts with the representatives of these nationalities and, consequently, lack of clear understanding their mentality features.
Key words ethnic stereotypes, autostereotypes, heterostereotypes, interethnic perception, personal qualities, attitudes, Russians, Buryats, representatives of other nationalities, Chinese, Germans, Americans.
Article information
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Full articlePeculiarities of Ethnic Auto- and Heterostereotypes of the Population in the Zabaikalsky Krai