Article |
Article name |
The Contextual Tasks as Means of the Professional Competence Development for the Future Mathematics Teacher |
Authors |
Dolgopolova Y.Y. , |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics and Physics |
4486.24/29 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The contextual approach contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge and its further
use to improve the training conditions for the future teachers of Mathematics. The use of the
contextual tasks provides all-round development of the student, their readiness to act independently
and improve their professional level in the future. Consequently the higher professional
education system should promote the development of the integral system including universal
knowledge, skills and habits to point out the key competences, which would define qualified
teacher training according to modern requirements. Using the contextual tasks of the advanced
level together with different sections of the mathematical analysis enables us to estimate objectively
the student’s competence. This article reveals the notion of the professional competence
characteristic for a future teacher of Mathematics, as well as the role and place of the
contextual tasks in forming a future specialist’s professional competence. The contextual task
is defined here, the requirements, which are necessary to meet while making up the contextual
tasks, are also indicated.
Key words |
professional competence, contextual approach, contextual tasks, mathematical
analysis. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Contextual Tasks as Means of the Professional Competence Development for the Future Mathematics Teacher |