Article name Foreign Vocabulary Assimilation Process from the Standpoint of Psycholinguistics
Authors Volkova T.I. Senior Lecturer,
Bibliographic description
Section Language and Culture
UDK 821. 111
Article type
Annotation article for the first time the assimilation of foreign vocabulary in German is examined from the standpoint of psycholinguistics. Definition and justification of the notion “a foreign word” from psycholinguistic point of view are also given for the first time, the notion “a peripheral system of language” is introduced, and definition of this notion is also provided. The authors have also tried to reveal some tendencies in the process of foreign speech recognition by native speakers. A very important aspect in the article is the description of psycholinguistic experiment held by the authors, based on recognition of foreign words by native speakers in the contemporary German press. During the experiment word recognition process has been analyzed from the standpoint of social groups by age-related and gender criterion, educational level and character, by origin of foreign words, as well as their frequency. The results of the experiment represented in schemes and charts have a theoretical value from linguistic and psycholinguistic standpoints, and also may be interesting in teaching German as a foreign language.
Key words foreign speech, psycholinguistic approach, assimilation, peripheral system, lexicographic method, rate of phonemes.
Article information
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Full articleForeign Vocabulary Assimilation Process from the Standpoint of Psycholinguistics