Article name The Incentive Intention in the English Statements about Dream
Authors Ivanova A.A. Candidate of Philology,
Bibliographic description
Section Language and Culture
UDK 811.111
Article type
Annotation This article deals with the ways of explication of the incentive intention in the English dream utterances of the famous people who are the citizens of Great Britain. The addressee within the frameworks of our research is the mass recipient. It’s very important to study the intention of incentive in this paper as a dream is a key to the understanding of moral and ethical values of the representatives of English culture. The intention of incentive is revealed through the corresponding strategy and tactics of its realization. The methods employed in the article are synchronous linguistic description, linguistic and socio-cultural modeling, and also techniques of observation, interpretation, systematization, classification and pragmatics description.
Key words communication, intention, utterance, strategy, tactics
Article information
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Full articleThe Incentive Intention in the English Statements about Dream