Article name Subject Line in the Educational Area “Philology” as Associative Space of Designing Meta-Subject Actions of Junior Schoolchildren
Authors Akhmetova M.N. Doctor of Pedagogics,
Khan E.Y. Postgraduate,
Bibliographic description
Section Professional Education
UDK 81
Article type
Annotation The article discusses a new conceptual idea of designing the preconditions of the subject line in the educational area “Philology”. As a strategic objective, experience of entering into an associative field as a system one is investigated. Learners are considered as co-authors and co-creators. Meta-actions within the subject line promote creative thinking. Meta-subject technologies of “general character” are used in work with children of different ages, with those who are initiative and not initiative, those normally developing and “special children”. The changed treatment of the concept “associative space” is introduced into scientific circulation. The main thing is the “possibilistic” field of functionally similar phenomena, images, esthetic reactions of a live man’s act. The main result of the research is specification of the concept “subject line”. It is characterized by staging of development on the basis of the revealed internal and external preconditions as meta-subject actions.
Key words subject line, associative space, meta-subject actions.
Article information
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Full articleSubject Line in the Educational Area “Philology” as Associative Space of Designing Meta-Subject Actions of Junior Schoolchildren