Article name Percolation of Hall Current and Calculation of Effective Conductivity of Multiphase Media in the Quantum Hall Effect Regime
Authors Malakeeva M.Y. Assistant teacher of the Depart-ment of Theory and Methods of Physics Training,
Arkhincheev V.E. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 537.7
Article type
Annotation The current percolation has been considered in inhomogeneous multiphase media under Quantum Hall Effect conditions. A general method for studying two-dimensional heterogeneous media on the basis of linear transformations of rotation developed by Dykhne has been described. Duality relations for the effective conductivity of multiphase media have been obtained and calculation of effective Hall conductivity has been performed.
Key words Quantum Hall Effect regime, effective conductivity, multiphase media, Dykhne transformations.
Article information
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Full articlePercolation of Hall Current and Calculation of Effective Conductivity of Multiphase Media in the Quantum Hall Effect Regime