Article name Properties of Supercooled Water at a Temperature Below −40◦ C
Authors Orlov A.O. ,
Bordonsky G.S. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, the Chief of the Laboratory of Cryogenesis Geophysics,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 537.915
Article type
Annotation The experimental investigation of supercooled water in nanoporous silica at the temperatures down to −140◦ C was carried out. Nanoporous silica MCM-41 with 3.5 nm diameter cylindrical pores and SBA-15 (8.5 nm pores) were investigated using the methods of dielectric spectroscopy and measuring proper electrical fluctuations at low frequencies. Occurrence of non-linear media properties at the temperature below −40◦ C was found, which was revealed in the form of the registered cell capacity dependence on voltage amplitude in it, as well as noise increase. The effect observed is supposed to be related to the earlier predicted ferroelectric phase transition close to −40◦ C.
Key words nanopores, dielectric spectroscopy, phase transition.
Article information
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Full articleProperties of Supercooled Water at a Temperature Below −40◦ C