Article name Solution of the Problem of the Motion of Unbounded Breaking String (a Rod) with an Elastic Contact
Authors Kholodovsky S.Y. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 519.63
Article type
Annotation The paper considers the Cauchy problem of the motion of an unbounded string (a rod), consisting of two pieces, the ends of which are connected by an elastic gasket type of spring. Using the method of convolution of Fourier expansions, the problem solution is expressed in terms of the classical solution of the Cauchy problem maintaining the initial functions. The paper gives an example of the problem solution in a closed form for which the graphs in the vicinity of the elastic contact with a constant time step are drawn.
Key words compound string, compound rod, wave equation, elastic contact, method of convolution of Fourier expansions.
Article information
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Full articleSolution of the Problem of the Motion of Unbounded Breaking String (a Rod) with an Elastic Contact