Article name Effective Contract of Scientific and Pedagogical Staff: Normative and Value Dimension
Authors Zarubin V.G. Doctor of Sociology, Professor,
Nachkin A.I. Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 329.63
Article type
Annotation In this article normative and value component of an effective contract with research and teaching staff of the university is revealed. Normative understanding of the effective contract suggests remuneration. Remuneration provides implementation of professional competence, scientific selfrealization and teacher’s freedom of choice. The effective contract is rational solution planned by the teacher and the administration. The teacher strives to make a deal. For this purpose he uses individual resources. The effective contract is an agreement that is a response to the risks of the environment. Performance expectations, the cost of the contract and the way of resolving potential disputes in the evaluation work are recorded in the contracts. The effective contract is the result oriented mechanism of payment for labor. It includes indicators in the field of research, teaching and expert activities. Corporate cohesion is the effective contract value dimension. Corporate cohesion includes a number of indicators. The first indicator is the convergence of goals and objectives of the university, which are formulated with the social expectations of teachers by administration. The second one is the consent of constituent elements of the effective contract. The third indicator is understanding the need to form a personnel reserve. The fourth indicator is understanding the need of contract for young teachers. The article substantiates that introduction of the effective contract will lead to institutional change in the university and the formation of competition among teachers.
Key words university, teacher, effective contract, norm, value, scientific activity, teaching activity, expert activity.
Article information
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Full articleEffective Contract of Scientific and Pedagogical Staff: Normative and Value Dimension