Article name Socio-Economic Factors of Fertility in Light of the Concept of Demographic Transition
Authors Kuz’min A.I. Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Leading Researcher,
Bibliographic description
UDK 314.7.003 (470.5)
Article type
Annotation This article analyzes the socio-economic factors of fertility in the regions of Russia. The conceptual basis of the study is a hypothesis of the second and the third demographic transition. The author tries to apply the model of demographic transitions to explain the reasons of current demographic situation in Zabaikalsky krai. Using the model of the second demographic transition, the author comes to the conclusion that one should consider the dynamics of fertility and mortality in Zabaikalye within the fourth and the fifth phases of long evolution of demographic processes in Zabaikalsky krai within the scope of the second demographic transition. The proposed hypothesis does not exclude taking into account the impact of specific factors, quality of life and employment for the current level of fertility in the family and the changing structure of the causes of death. The article gives examples of theresearch results in Siberia showing that different ethnic groups are motivated to have many children.
Key words population, demographic transition, replacement of generations, living conditions, factor, fertility, mortality, demographic behavior, mentality, value, attitude, family, reproductive behavior motivation, outlook.
Article information
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Full articleSocio-Economic Factors of Fertility in Light of the Concept of Demographic Transition