Article name Theory of Ecologically Focused Anthropocentrism
Authors Zakharova Y.Y. Candidate of Philosophy, Associate professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 101.1:316
Article type
Annotation The author has offered a theory of ecologically focused anthropocentrism which, along with the theory of optimization of functioning of all spheres of socio-natural ecosystem for achieving co-evolution of nature and society, is included into the concept of ecological culture of socio-natural ecosystem. The author has proved the prospects of use of the concept of ecological culture of socio-natural ecosystem in overcoming stereotypes of anthropocentrism understanding as a source of environmental problems, its new treatment as directed collective activities for development of the optimum administrative decisions promoting harmonization of the relations between society and nature on the basis of collective reason and intelligence. The theory of ecologically focused anthropocentrism defining axiological bases of ecological culture of socio-natural ecosystem includes new humanity and ecological ethics ideas. The new humanity defining the relation to the person as the supreme value, at the same time, is an ecological form of the world outlook based on understanding of possibility of joint ecological crisis overcoming, including self-restriction. The ideas of ecological ethics maintain self-worth of nature and introduction of nature into the system of values.
Key words anthropocentrism, ecologically focused anthropocentrism, nonanthropocentrism, naturecentrism, new humanism, ecological ethics.
Article information
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Full articleTheory of Ecologically Focused Anthropocentrism