Article name Symbolic Capital of Power in Technologies of Constructing National Identity
Authors Luk’yanova N.A. Doctor of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description
UDK 304.5.
Article type
Annotation The resources of symbolic power capital in national identity process are symbolic tools of culture that let not only describe the cultural processes but understand them as well. So, they are to be analyzed as a cultural technology. The article analyzes the processes of national identity formation from the perspective of the dominant symbolic intentions within the concept. The analysis reveals the potential of the symbolic power capital in the technology of constructing national identity. The analysis is hold in tradition of A. Whitehead’s philosophy followed by his student S. Langer. They understand power capital as a vital power need for “national identity” that is seen in tendency to gain its own identity symbols. The author underlines inconsistency of the technologies used to form the symbolic power capital in constructing national identity as “image for oneself” and “image for others”. The analysis of national identity process proves that such intentions as “image for oneself” and “image for others” are essential for understanding the importance of symbols for constructing national identity.
Key words power, symbol, sign, symbolic capital, national identity, social construction, image for oneself, image for others.
Article information
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Full articleSymbolic Capital of Power in Technologies of Constructing National Identity