Article name Interaction between Family and Educational Institution as a Mechanism to Ensure Social Security of Children in Contemporary Sociocultural Conditions
Authors Dambayeva B.B. Deputy Head,
Kimova S.Z. Candidate of Pedagogy, kimova@
Bibliographic description
UDK 321.6/8
Article type
Annotation Modern social and cultural situation of society development is characterized by dynamism, variability and uncertainty. Today we are witnessing transformation of complex social and cultural norms that seemed to be stable a few decades ago. It should be admitted that today children are growing up in significantly changed conditions. Modern theory and practice give grounds to assert the need to question and then re-construct the main basic concepts associated with childhood. We confront with a social situation in which there are new gender roles, new identity, new cultural practices that have changed configuration of the family. New communities arise in part as a response to the new opportunities of network interactions over the Internet. A child is in the center of all these contradictory and ambiguous changes. The range and severity of the existing childhood problems new challenges that arise and the interests of the future of the country and its security should make public authorities, local authorities and civil society of Zabaikalskykrai take urgent measures to improve the situation of children and their protection.
Key words childhood, social security, family, education, health.
Article information
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Full articleInteraction between Family and Educational Institution as a Mechanism to Ensure Social Security of Children in Contemporary Sociocultural Conditions