Article name Preparation of Pedagogical Staff for System of Preschool Education of the Buryat Republic in 1920–1930
Authors Lopsonova Z.B. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Pre-School Pedagogy
UDK 373(09)(571.54)
Article type
Annotation In the article the author examines the history of the issue of training for pre-school education in the Republic of Buryatia. On the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis of the facts, events, the initial stage of pre-school education the author identifies the characteristics of contradictions, difficulties, solving the problem of training. The main form of training at that time was the organization of staff courses, depending on their duration, the managers or heads of kindergartens were appointed. Analysis of the content of the curriculum course preparation indicates a serious approach to the solving of training problem. Despite of the socio-economic difficulties of a complex phase in the establishment of the Republic, the timely staffing had a significant impact on the further development of public pre-school education in the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Key words kindergarten, pre-school education, training, skills, seasonal playgrounds, course
Article information
References 1. Doshkol’noe vospitanie v B-MASSR: iz opyta raboty detskih sadov. Ulan-Udje: Burjatsk. kn. izd-vo, 1959. 53 s. 2. Lopsonova Z. B., Cybikova A. B. Doshkol’noe obrazovanie v Burjatii (1930-e gg.): ucheb. posobie. Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo Burjat. gos. un-ta, 2003. 78 s. 3. NARB FR. 60. Op. 3. D. 163. L. 130. 4. NARB FR. 60. Op. 3. D. 144. L. 159. 5. NARB FR. 60. Op. 3. D. 236. L. 235.
Full articlePreparation of Pedagogical Staff for System of Preschool Education of the Buryat Republic in 1920–1930