Article name Pedagogical Projecting and Realization of Teacher’s Training for Electronics Teaching at School at Profession-Oriented Level
Authors Venslavsky V.B. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor,
Kozlov M.A. graduate student,
Ponomaryov A.V. Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 378.016
Article type
Annotation The authors suggest that realization of the model of training of future physics, technology and informatics teachers for electronics teaching at school at the profession-oriented level on the basis of graduates’ competence models should be completed with some other special competencies and models. At the undergraduate level, the training is concentrated on special subject competence formation, i. e. ability for educational projecting of electronic elements and systems. At graduate level, the attention is focused on formation of special professional competence, i. e. readiness to pedagogical projecting of educational-methodical complexes of academic disciplines and areas of electronics. The authors connect the effectiveness of students’ special competence formation with variability of continuous training forms for electronics emphasizing extracurricular and independent work, and also with participation in pedagogical projecting of educational-methodical complexes elements. Implementation of the training model into educational process is exemplified by partnership work on developing of the elements of educational-methodical complex “Basics of Electronics” that can be used in profession-oriented school and serve as the prototype of future teacher’s projects.
Key words educational projecting of electronic elements and systems, pedagogical projecting of educational-methodical complexes, partnership work.
Article information
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Full articlePedagogical Projecting and Realization of Teacher’s Training for Electronics Teaching at School at Profession-Oriented Level