Article name Teachers’ Preparing to the Implementation of Innovative Processes in Pre-University Vocational Education
Authors Vaganova V.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate professor,
Malunova G.S. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor ,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methods of Continuous Education and Further Training
UDK 377(571.54)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the main directions of teachers’ training in pre-university vocational education to innovation. One of the directions is the organization of corporate training in the educational institution where they create an innovative learning environment aimed at the creative development of vocational and educational activities. The next direction is to create a modern model of teachers’ professional development in the institution of further professional education. A system of personalized training, where the organization mechanism is associated with the teacher’s choice of education programs and the design of individual learning steps is created. Based on the monitoring of the teachers’ educational needs, it was created the depository modular educational programs, including the invariant and variable parts, focused on teachers’ needs and interests were created. The third direction is connected with the organization of training centers network in the centers of further development on the base of innovative educational organizations that serve as internship sites. The principle of distributed (decentralized) training system is being implemented.
Key words innovation, corporate training, professional development model, individual educationaltrajectory, depositary modular educational programs, internship sites, distributed system ofqualification imrovement.
Article information
References 1. Gerasimov A. M., Loginov I. P. Innovatsionny podkhod v postroyenii obucheniya: kontseptualno-tekhnologichesky aspekt: ucheb. posobiye. M.: APKiPRO, 2001. 64 s. 2. Raitina N. I. Soprovozhdeniye protsessa formirovaniya gotovnosti k innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti uchitelya fiziki v usloviyakh dopolnitelnogo professionalnogo obrazovaniya: ucheb. posobiye. Chita: ZabKIPKRO, 2010. 141 s.
Full articleTeachers’ Preparing to the Implementation of Innovative Processes in Pre-University Vocational Education