Article |
Article name |
Contents of the Common Sulphur in the Leafs of Perennial Plants in the Conditions of Novosibirsk |
Authors |
Tsandekova O.L. Candidate of Agriculture, Кемерово, РоссияSedelnikova L.L. Doctor of Science (Biology), senior research scientist, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Ecology |
581.5 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The work was performed in the Institute of human ecology of the SB RAS and Central
Siberian botanic garden of the SB RAS. The result of the research on accumulation ability of
ornamental plants leafs in the conditions of urban environment is presented. In the conditions
of Academic town the major source of pollution is motor vehicles. The data of the influence
of motor transport pollution on the contents of common sulphur of ornamental perennial plants
leafs were analyzed. The accumulation ability of leafs of twelve species in the condition of urban
environment were defined. Species specificity in accumulating of the sulphur in ornamental plants
has been revealed. The high content of the sulphur at Iris, Hemerocallis, Hosta near the motor
transport in July has been marked. The high absorption of the suphur at Hemerocallis and Hosta
in flowering period and Iris in fading period is determined. The obtained data can be used in
ecological monitoring of urban environment.
Key words |
Iris, Hemerocallis, Hosta, leaf, accumulation, sulphur, West Siberia. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Contents of the Common Sulphur in the Leafs of Perennial Plants in the Conditions of Novosibirsk |