Article name Stylistic Notes of Slavonic Words in the Russian Language Academy Dictionaries of Different Eras (the XVIII–XXI Centuries)
Authors Kiynova Z.K. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 81.’ 367.3
Article type
Annotation In the article the stylistic notes of Slavonic words in the Academy dictionaries of the Russian language of the XVII–XXI centuries is considered. On the basis of examples taken from the Academy (standard) dictionaries, the semantic-stylistic evolution of Slavonic words throughout the long period is established. The comparative analysis of Slovniks allowed the author to draw certain conclusions on a stylistic notes and semantization of Slavonic words in the Academy dictionaries of the Russian language of different eras. It is shown how historical regularities of language development influence on the modern usage of words. The special attention is paid to the description of system stylistic dung and to their consecutive change from one dictionary to another: “Slavic” – “church” – “obsolete” – “obsolete and poetic” – “becoming outdated” – “stylized”. The factors influencing change of functional characteristics according to synchronous condition of stylistic system of language are analyzed. On the example of such stylistically noted verbs of Russian as drag, look, ripen, etc., dynamics of transition of direct senses in figurative is shown, and also the modern usage of words which, being combined with a certain circle of words are traced, passed into structure of set expressions and are used in traditional designs. The main case of the analyzed slovnik in the Academy dictionaries, published in different historical development periods of the Russian literary language, was made by slovniks. Besides, in article the review of theoretical works of the scientists devoted to functioning of this or that layer of lexicon in “the Dictionary of Academy Russian” and “The dictionary of Church Slavonic and Russian of 1847” is carried out. The author of the article generalized the supervision of functional and stylistic originality of words derived from Church Slavonic in an entry context.
Key words Slavonic words, stylistic note, stylistic dung, semantization, Academy dictionaries of the Russian language.
Article information
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Full articleStylistic Notes of Slavonic Words in the Russian Language Academy Dictionaries of Different Eras (the XVIII–XXI Centuries)