Article name Basic Descriptions of New Social Media
Authors Shestyorkina L.P. Doctor of Philology, assistant professor ,
Borchenko I.D. Candidate of Culturology,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.77:004.77
Article type
Annotation In the article, the theoretical bases of functioning of new social medias are examined in the modern Russian society. Topicality of this theme is conditioned by the process of forming of modern informative society, where the new social Medias play the special role, which create a new habitat, new social values, and new way of life and new principles of society management. Under their influence the traditional medias are transformed: become overgrown with New Technologies, for example, digital processing of images before a publication in a newspaper or usage of computer instruments for sorting, adjustment, transformation of journalistic feedstock to the note or reporting; extend the spectrum of possibilities of information distribution. New social Medias are interactive digital methods of information delivery, means of communication, where a main communicative source is the Internet. We consider them as: social networks, blogs, subcastes, web-sites, internet-forums, Wiki, products printed, on-line and mobile. In the article basic descriptions of new social medias are given: digital methods of treatment of information, informative exchange with the elements of the of informativelycommunication system, the interactivity of communications, that consists in their difference on the criterion of availability and methods of delivery to end-user. Modern technical development of internet-communications sphere allows usage of this environment with the purpose of the rapid informing of public and creation of wide public opinion. Thus, the research object has a direct relation to civil society of modern Russia and acquires emergency meaningfulness in connection with the height of number of consumers of the new social medias engaged in communication process. This research matters at conception making of informatively-communication development of the modern Russian society. It can be interesting for sociologists, economists, specialists in area of advertisement and public relations at forming of the integral approach to civil society devdelopment.
Key words mass media, digital technologies, new social media, internet-communications.
Article information
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Full articleBasic Descriptions of New Social Media