Article name The Use of Integrated Assessment in Determining of the Economic Efficiency of Alluvial Deposits Development
Authors Panina, () T.Y. Assistant,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 553.4
Article type
Annotation The necessity for a comprehensive assessment of active and reserve deposits of placer gold is considered. The assessment, in determining of the economic attractiveness of the deposits of placer gold mine through a comparison of operating conditions, opportunities, the results planned activities leading indicators, is given. For comparison the methods of multidimensional groups, index, rationing are used. The obtained data give the opportunity to calculate a comprehensive assessment of the conditions, possibilities and results of enterprises work, to calculate regulatory function, which shows the deviation from the \"grade\"field in a number of enterprises or \"grade\"in relation to the power engineering. Estimated deviation between the actual and theoretical evaluation of the results will show the extent of the effectiveness of the existing enterprise depending on geological and technical-economic characteristics, as well as to establish the degree of their influence on the results and decide on their impact on the final results of the company through the factorial evidence. Estimated deviation provides a measure of the investment attractiveness of the field and determines the appropriateness of credit.
Key words gold-placer deposit, integrated assessment, statistical grouping, indexation, economic-mathematical analyses, calculated deviation.
Article information
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Full articleThe Use of Integrated Assessment in Determining of the Economic Efficiency of Alluvial Deposits Development