Article name Social Security Providing through the Achievement of good quality of life
Authors Liga , M.B. Doctor of Sociology, Professor,
Shjotkina I.A. Candidate of Sociology, Associate professor,
Tomskikh M.S. Graduate Student,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.32
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the quality of life as a factor affecting the state of the social security society. Identified the link between quality of life and social security. The results of sociological research “Evaluation of public opinion on the state of international relations as an indicator of social security in the Trans-Baikal region”. Provides a definition of social security, the quality of life. Social security is understood as a state of society in which ensured protection of the individual, social groups and society as a whole, from threats, risks posed by human activities in the social, economic, environmental and other spheres of life. Quality of life is treated as a satisfaction / dissatisfaction with the implementation of its requirement. Assessment of quality of life through indicators such as the level of its material prosperity, contentment profession, family relations, health, housing, life in general , the situation in Russia , the place of residence. Based on the findings of the study in the social structure of the Trans-Baikal Territory identified four clusters.
Key words quality of life, social security, satisfaction, cluster, health, profession, family.
Article information
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