Annotation |
The article expounds the results of the research of the resource curse phenomenon in the
context of the modernization problem. Through the socio-philosophical analysis of the resource
curse idea and other adjacent theoretical constructs of economics (Boserup hypothesis, “Dutch
disease”, “Nigerian disease”), their intersection with the modernization theory is stated. The author
supposes that economic studies of the resource curse that directly touch upon the problem of
interaction between nature and society can be of great theoretical and methodological importance
for philosophical understanding of modernization process, and the phenomenon itself is connected
with fundamental laws of socio-historical development.
The analysis revealed that, though the discussion on the resource curse problem is not finished
in economics, the thesis about negative effects of resource abundance on social development
is rather specified by most scientists than denied. Both the discussion itself and the specifications
allow formulating theoretical positions, important for understanding of what occurs in
resource abundant countries.
It is shown that economic studies cannot resolve a range of contradictions of the resource
curse theory, staying in isolation from historical and socio-philosophical studies. It requires theoretical
and methodological means beyond economic science, bringing in studies of large-scale
socio-historical transformations of long durations as well as socio-philosophical studies that operate
with such concepts as “modernization”, “agrarian society” and “industrial society”. On the other
hand, economic studies of the phenomenon, being the most exact and scientific, are a methodological
reference point for historical and philosophical research.
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