Article name Internal Training as a Resource for Teachers’ Additional Professional Education
Authors Karakozova N.Y. Doctoral Candidate,
Bibliographic description
Section Pedagogics of Professional Education
UDK 377
Article type
Annotation The urgency of teachers’ additional professional education is obvious, because on one hand, because of standardization of the education system, which contributed to the change in the educational paradigm and increasing requirements of modern professional competence of teachers, and on the other hand, because of the lack of teachers’ willingness to change the approach to the content, methods and forms of additional vocational training. In this article the author discusses the functions, types, models of organizing in-house training of teachers as an effective form of additional vocational training. The choice of content of internal training is substantiated in accordance with the current and strategic purposes, objects of the organization. The specificity of the program in-house training of teachers of pre-school education is disclosed through the technology of modular training. The author gives examples of the content of two educational modules, introduces interactive techniques for working with teachers, improving the efficiency, the intensification of the educational process. The author illuminates the experience of organizing the activities of modern innovative forms of improvement the professional competence of teachers – training ground, the result of which is the teachers’ mastering of technological knowledge and skills in the field of modern educational technology, actualization of striving for self-actualization and self-improvement in the professional pedagogical activity.
Key words continuing professional education in-house training, types, forms, methods of inhouse training, internship marketplace, technology of modular training, modular program.
Article information
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Full articleInternal Training as a Resource for Teachers’ Additional Professional Education