Article name Higher School Independent Work Problems and Characteristics Analysis
Authors Mikhalyova S.N. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Ushnikova O.V. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Pedagogics of Professional Education
UDK 378.016:811
Article type
Annotation Modern society faces the situation when the quantity of students’ independent work becomes a defining part of education. The independent work organization in higher education demands reconsideration, correction and innovative pedagogical decisions. Efficient independent work requires its participants (students and professors) to understand well the process itself, namely, its purposes, tasks and participants’ roles. The purpose of this article is to analyze the results of the Faculty of Philology and Mass Communication (Transbaikal State University) students’ notion of independent activity. This analysis was carried out by means of faculty students surveying. To research the current state of independent work the following issues were studied: students’ general notion of independent work; their theoretical and practical knowledge on the issue; their understanding of the main characteristics of independent work; the degree of independence of their work; their motivation for carrying out independent work tasks; preferable forms of control when assessing independent work and other questions. Results of the questionnaires analysis allow to draw conclusions that it is necessary to shape students’ competent notion of the independent work purposes, tasks, ways and forms; improve the current assessment system of students’ work and take into account students’ independent work results when estimating training outcomes; to optimize training approaches; to wider use various modern technologies in educational process, which allow to motivate students to independent research.
Key words students’ independent work, modernization of education, pedagogical conditions of the independent work organization, independent work energizing.
Article information
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Full articleHigher School Independent Work Problems and Characteristics Analysis