Article name Social Partnership as a Condition of improvement of Preschool Education Quality
Authors Lopsonova Z.B. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section School Pedagogy
UDK 373.2.016
Article type
Annotation In article the author considers features of the organization of social partnership in the sphere of preschool education, mechanisms of interaction of the preschool educational organization with the parental public, other public organizations. The analysis of action of social partnership model of the private preschool educational organization is presented in article with local community; the main stages of its formation, contradiction, difficulty are opened. The self-government institutions role – the Board of trustees which promoted development of parental initiative, increase of their legal and administrative competence of management activity is shown. The necessity of parents’ participation for distribution of stimulating part of fund of compensation puts a problem of subject definition of kindergarten teacher’s activity assessment. The involvement into process of social partnership, mastering effective methods and forms, and also objective social and economic situation in society allow expanding interaction borders. According to the author, the social and educational partnership in process of the development reached the level of interdepartmental interaction, and kindergarten becomes the resource center of social partnership. The author considers social partnership as a serious administrative problem which promotes improvement and development of personnel potential, development of effective ways of distribution of finance, definitions of strategy of development of the organization.
Key words Keywords: social partnership, local community, public administration, board of trustees, management board, parental initiative, social inquiry, effective contract.
Article information
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Full articleSocial Partnership as a Condition of improvement of Preschool Education Quality