Article name Time Perspective of Students with Different Level of Subjectivity
Authors Saraeva N.M. Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Bibliographic description
Section General Psychology, Personality Psychology
UDK 159.923
Article type
Annotation The author proves the necessity to study students’ subjectivity because youth is the main resource when it comes to thinking of positive social development. It was possible to show conflict between social requirements for student’s subjectivity level and the degree of actual display of this integrative property. Subjectivity is human ability to properly determine someone’s time perspective. It is impossible to predict and plan someone’s own life without real linear time modeling. The author supplements the paper with results of empirical study of the students’ time perspective showing different subjectivity level. She applies eco-psychology approach focusing her attention on analyzing subjectivity formation on different stages of ontogenesis (V. I. Panov). Mental activity, activity of subject and subjectivity are different manifestations of the unified, in its nature, psyche. It is a process of psyche acquiring its actual form of existence in the formation of subject’s mental activity-functioning. Testing was an empirical method of the study. The level of subjective control, vitality, self-regulation in learning activity and the level of ego autonomy were the measurements to diagnose the students’ subjectivity. According to the research results, it was found that there is moderate connection between the students’ subjectivity performance and the students’ time perspective indicators. The closest connection is revealed between subjective control indices and time decentration indicators. Time perspective indicators of the students showing different subjectivity level are not the same. Students showing high subjectivity level tend to be rather future-oriented. Students showing low subjectivity level have less expressed orientation on the future. The significant difference is proved with the help of mathematical data treatment.
Key words time perspective, subjectivity level, correlation of indicators, students.
Article information
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