Article name Training of Graduate Students to Disclosure of Historical and Biographical Component of Content of Academic Course in Physics through Project Activity Using Information and Communication Technologies
Authors Ladygina I.V. Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor,
Sadykova M.A. Postgraduate Student,
Serebryakova S.S. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The article focuses on necessity, importance and purposefulness of organization of special training of future teachers of physics to disclosure of a historical and biographical component of content of academic course in physics through project activity using information and communication technologies. To realize this direction, the authors suggest inclusion of anacademic course “Disclosure of a historical and biographical component of content of academic course in physics through project activity, using information and communication technologies” into professional educational program of training of students specializing in Pedagogical Education (050100.68), Master’s program “Education in Physics”. The article concentrates on academic program of the course including the content of historical and biographical components of physical science, theoretical and methodical aspects of use of these components through the project activity using information and communication technologies as well as tasks for realization of student project activity with ICT application in teaching materials. The authors underline three types of physics projects containing historical and biographical content and three groups of information and communication technologies tools for realization of these types of projects. This study provides bases for classification of historical and biographical content tasks aimed at graduate students as well as samples of subject and scope oriented tasks carried out within independent work.
Key words historical and biographical component, project activity, information and communication technologies, training of future physics teachers, academic course.
Article information
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Full articleTraining of Graduate Students to Disclosure of Historical and Biographical Component of Content of Academic Course in Physics through Project Activity Using Information and Communication Technologies