Article name Context-Modular Approach as a Base of Designing of the Main Professional Educational Programs for Masters’ Training in Humanitarian Sphere
Authors Fedotova A.D. Postgraduate Student, a.d._fedotova@mail.r
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The article shows the necessity of basic professional educational programs designing on the basis of contextmodular approach, which is the logical continuation of the competence approach. The paper presents the basic concepts and principles according to which the content and the educational process should be designed in contextmodular educational program of masters’ training in Humanities: modularity, the compliance of the structure of the content of educational program with the structure of the graduate competence model, the principles of co-disciplinarity and functionality, the nonlinearity of the educational process, content modeling, methods, context means of future professional activity. It is proved that the bases for selection of modules (basic, profile, co-disciplinary) in the educational program are the professional activities that define groups of general, cultural and professional competences that are an expected educational result of masters training. The requirements are outlined to the competence-based educational programs, the implementation of which necessitates the inclusion of context-modular educational program modules: review of the competence-based teaching as a process of co-disciplinary type, because competences are inherently co-disciplinary; the spatial organization of the educational process associated with using the whole arsenal of content; the organization of educational activities as activities co-disciplinary in which the knowledge of many disciplines will be required, the experience of the individual student; the consideration of competencies as co-disciplinary assessment tool of educational results.
Key words basic professional educational program, graduate competence model, context-modular approach, principle of co-disciplinarity, principle of functionality, nonlinearity of the educational process, co-disciplinary module.
Article information
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