Article |
Article name |
New Approaches to the Students-Journalists’ Assessment at Higher Education Institute |
Authors |
Shestyorkina L.P. Doctor of Philology, assistant professor , |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
378:070 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article describes the experience of South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk, Russia) on the development
of new approaches to the current control of academic performance and various forms of certification of student-journalists.
The relevance of the study is that the transition of journalism education programs to the academic disciplines
of modern third generation standards demanded new approaches to the organization of this work. Scientific novelty
is determined by the fact that such approaches to the control of the current academic progress and assessment of
students-journalists in the South Ural State University (final, intermediate, etc.) are implemented in the framework
of innovative model of training of journalists of generic type that is designed and scientifically justified and valid at
the Faculty of Journalism in SUSU. This model of journalism education is operating in a particular university communication
space to meet the challenges of converged media. In SUSU a unique world-class training media place –
University 360-degree multi-media newsroom, corresponding to the requirements of modern media development
was created. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that during study period at the faculty of journalism
in SUSU there is a possibility to use the advanced information and communication technologies and display
system certification organization to a modern level, maintaining the traditional approaches of progress control. The
practical value of the study is to establish the order of creation and preparation of multimedia information to the
publication in various media in a converged newsroom, primarily coordinated with the methodology of students’
teaching to competencies of universal journalist.
Key words |
journalism, media, journalism education, convergence, multimedia newsroom, TV and Radio
SUSU TV, certification. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | New Approaches to the Students-Journalists’ Assessment at Higher Education Institute |