Article name Vocational Education’s Modernization on the Example of Polytechnic College
Authors Yakimov O.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 377
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problems of vocational education as an example of secondary education in the Republicof Buryatia and in particular the example of an autonomous educational institution of secondary education in the Republic of Buryatia “Polytechnic College”. It describes brief history of the college development, the main achievements and prospects. On the basis of analysis of the college in its history, as well as the nature of the interaction with other organizations, the impact of the college on the formation of the regional labor market and the impact of educational institutions on the socio-economic development of Kabansky regionare determined. The author summarizes the practical experience of the Polytechnic College as an example of educational initiatives on the part of the teaching staff and justifies their socio-economic impact.
Key words vocational education, innovation, Polytechnic College, initiatives.
Article information
References 1. Dubnishcheva T. Ya. Kontseptsii sovremennogo estestvoznaniya. Novosibirsk: YuKEA, 1997. 112 s. 2. Simonov V. P. Pedagogicheskii menedzhment: nou-khau v oblasti upravleniya obrazovatel\'nym protsessom: ucheb. posobie. M: Vyssh. obrazovanie, 2007. 324 s.
Full articleVocational Education’s Modernization on the Example of Polytechnic College