Article |
Article name |
Concepts of the Cultural Competence Development in Terms of Cognizing the National and Cultural Peculiarities of Phraseological Units while Teaching of the Russian Language as a Native One |
Authors |
Vasilyeva N.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, |
Bibliographic description |
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373 |
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Annotation |
The article is devoted to the concepts that could be treated as basic for the development of the pupils’ cultural
competence during their learning of phrase logical units. The analyses of education objectives, written in the normative
documents, and the essence of competence approach led to the conclusion that there is a necessity to develop
pupil as a linguistic personality.
The author suggests that the development of the learners’ cultural competence should be based on relevant
models, namely Yu. N. Karaulov’s model of linguistic personality and T. B. Radbil’s model of linguistic mentality. It is emphasized that Karaulov’s model considers the concept of «national character», and Radbil’s model can serve as
a linguistic basis uniting modern researches of phraseological units in terms of their national and cultural peculiarities.
The author correlates 1) the levels of the linguistic personality; 2) the levels of the linguistic mentality; 3) the
components of culture and history; 4) the ways phraseological units reflect the components of the Russian culture
and history. The given correlation specifies the objectives of the cultural competence development, which is
fostered by cognizing the national and cultural peculiarities of phraseological units and considers the levels of the
linguistic personality and linguistic mentality.
Keywords: Federal State Education Standards for secondary education, competence approach, cultural competence,
linguistic personality, linguistic mentality, national and cultural peculiarities of phraseological units, objectives. |
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Article information |
References |
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Full article | Concepts of the Cultural Competence Development in Terms of Cognizing the National and Cultural Peculiarities of Phraseological Units while Teaching of the Russian Language as a Native One |