Article name Peculiarities of Palеography and Graphics of Business Letter Tachygraphics Artifacts of Eastern Zabaikalye of the XVII–XVIII Centuries
Authors Biktimirova Y.V. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 81–112.2
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the peculiarities of paleography and graphics of business letter tachygraphic artifacts of Eastern Zabaikalye of the XVII–XVIII centuries. The main part of documents of paperwork management of Nerchinsk province and forts of Eastern Zabaikalye is a complex of tachygraphic artifacts of financial, economic, administrative character, containing reference materials, various lists of people and goods. The body of manuscripts includes texts of different genres, diverse thematic content, reflecting different aspects of Eastern Siberia first settlers and pioneers’ life. In general, paleographic features of business writing artifacts of East Zabaikalye of the end of the XVII – first half of the XVIII centuries coincide with the paleographic features of artifacts of the other Siberia regions of that time. Graphics of management documents of Nerchinsk province and forts of East Zabaikalye is notable for the variety of the same letters tracings, connected spelling, removal of all letters above the line, words clipping, preservation of the circumflexes which are traditional for half-running hand. In tachygraphic artifacts of Eastern Zabaikalye all features of artifacts are fully reflected: there is a variety of forms, letters drawing, but there are a number of original and rare traits in other texts – marginalia, abbreviations, letters removal, words and phrases over and below line. The studied artifacts reflect the process of letters losing of the “church” Cyrillic and the new letters introduction.
Key words paleography, Graphics, business letter tachygraphic artifacts, variability, sours studies, tachygraphic.
Article information
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Full articlePeculiarities of Palеography and Graphics of Business Letter Tachygraphics Artifacts of Eastern Zabaikalye of the XVII–XVIII Centuries