Article name Paronyms Functioning in the Scientific Speech as an Action of the Shaping Mechanism
Authors Golovanova E.l. Doctor of Philosophical, Professor,
Demidova E.N. Candidate of Philology,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 81’373.613
Article type
Annotation Article is devoted to the phenomenon of paronymy in the contemporary scientific texts. The authors proposed the cognitive approach to the examination of this problem – through the analysis of the shaping mechanism, which lies at the base of the differentiation of words similar according to the structure, but different in semantics. It is asserted that after the lexical units, which incomplete paronyms are, stand a certain general conceptual content, which differently is shaped with the aid of the lingual units. Based on the example of the analysis of a number of paronym’s oppositions the authors show the possibility of the differentiation of terminological and other paronyms, which function is in the scientific speech. The attention is paid to the fact that paronyms in the sphere of scientific communication predominantly form the privative oppositions, one of members of which (marked) is characterized by the presence of the specific differential sign, and another (not marked) by its absence. Special carefulness should be observed with the use of terms-paronyms, since the scientific term, being the element of the logical model of knowledge field, is approached such relationship of the lingual form and content, with which a change in the form of designation regularly entails a change in the conceptual content confronting after it, and vice versa.
Key words scientific text, paronym, term, shaping, paronym opposition, marking.
Article information
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Full articleParonyms Functioning in the Scientific Speech as an Action of the Shaping Mechanism