Article name Russian Classics on TV of ХХI century: New Reality
Authors Ilchenko S.N. Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 821.161.1:654.19
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the trends in the film adaptation of the classic works of the Russian literature in the practice of Russian television of last time. The author focuses on the series “Demons” and “Kuprin”; the premiere took place in the summer of 2014. The analysis is carried out on the extensive material, based on past experience of the film adaptations of the Russian classics and current examples. The author comes to the conclusion that the current practice of transferring on a screen of known texts is a clear illustration of the principles show civilization. This is evident in how the visual image of the era, reflected in the classics, and formed in its televised versions. At the same time, by adapting the conceptual meaning of a literary work to the level of perception and thinking of potential viewers, creators of such series manages to actualize meaningful components of the literary source. Discussion remains the answer to the question about the validity of this approach to the interpretation of the Russian literary heritage. Positive attention to the process of telekinesis works of the Russian literature in the author’s opinion clearly discernible tendency to wake him in the reader’s interest after the first run of the series.
Key words Literature, Dostoevsky, Kuprin, TV, cinema, screen-version, show-civilization.
Article information
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Full articleRussian Classics on TV of ХХI century: New Reality