Article name The Internet-Meme as a Special Genre of Communication
Authors Chasovskiy N.V. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
UDK 801.73
Article type
Annotation This article analyzes the meme as a special genre of Internet communication. The most important characteristics and operational features are considered. The author claims that the iconic meme component corresponds to the principle of visualization as a dominant characteristic of Internet communication and is essential for the most rapid and accurate transmission of not only the information it contains, but also the attitude of the communication participant to it (his emotions, feelings, impressions, often having witty and ironic character). The verbal component of the meme is also subordinated to the features of virtual communication is therefore characterized as informal, ease, inscribed in con-situation, having the freedom of using the linguistic resources. In general, in the research, such genre features of the internet meme like spontaneity, aspiration to interest and cover the largest possible number of users, “short-living” in conjunction with the potential for further development, the entertainment purposes, focus on attracting and retaining the attention, the fast spreading (provided the popularity) are allocated. It is noted that external communication via memes is one-sided: the author publishes in the Internet the created text, and the other participants of communication rate it with the special means of commenting.
Key words virtual communication, internet meme, visualization, genre.
Article information
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Full articleThe Internet-Meme as a Special Genre of Communication