Article name The Axiological Status of Parenthood in Contemporary Russian Society
Authors Isakov A.V. Teacher,
Bibliographic description
UDK 304.3
Article type
Annotation The Institute of parenthood, formed and actively functioning, is one of the attributes of cultural and civilization developed society. There is no doubt in the importance of discussing how parenthood is significant for the modern person and society, whether the axiological rootedness of this concept in our social consciousness is the prior tasks of character education. The relevance of this problem is in the fact that parenthood plays crucial role in the life of every person: throughout the life the parent is a significant character for everybody; the life quality in society depends on the condition of parenthood. The main conclusion of the article is the thesis that the modern Russian society needs the recovery of parenthood values – a social institution, and its functionality, stability and prosperity guarantee the condition of society as a whole. The author uses interdisciplinary approach in the analysis of parenthood due to the complexity and diversity of this phenomenon, and the objective understanding of which is impossible within the single disciplinary approach, typical for the classical differentiation of Sciences. Knowledge about parenthood from different fields of science in the article was classified and organized in accordance with complex structural relationships of the phenomenon itself. Ethical, anthropological, pedagogical, psychological, sociological and other knowledge are analyzed and systematized within common socio-philosophical context, forming unified theoretical and methodological foundation for the combination of this knowledge.
Key words parenthood, value, readiness for parenthood, successful parenthood, functions of parenthood, house.
Article information
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Full articleThe Axiological Status of Parenthood in Contemporary Russian Society