Article name Laughter as a Form of Inter-Group and Intra-Group Relations
Authors Subbotina N.D. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.942.32
Article type
Annotation The article presents the hypothesis of the dual role of laughter in the life of society and man. The author believes that the essence and purpose of this phenomenon is self-preservation group which laugher carries out along with the phenomenon of the holiday. Human laughter grew out of “pseudo aggressive game” existing in many collective animals, including monkeys. Laughter can be directed into the group, and can outside. In intra group relations laughter manifested in the following forms: confirmation of group norms and values, marking “their”; sanctions against violators of intra group norms; delimitation of the group; fighting for a place in the hierarchy. In intergroup relations, laughter appears as laughing at “strangers” in the presence of only “their” and like a laugh over the “strangers” in conflict situations. Laughter, confirming the unity of the group, always joyful; itbased on a collective self-suggestion. In all other manifestations of laughter there is an element of aggression. Particularly aggressive laughter is occurring between the two opposing groups. The article also analyzes the characteristics of the “carnival” laughter, showing distinct accepted behavior from uncommitted.
Key words laughter, intra and inter-group relationships, humor, self-preservation, suggestion, contrasuggestion.
Article information
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Full articleLaughter as a Form of Inter-Group and Intra-Group Relations