Article name To the Question of the Value Priorities of the Legislature at the Regional Level: the Sociological Aspect
Authors Semyonova A.A. Candidate of Sociology,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316. 334
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the category of public opinion, trust, moral authority, social capital, the image of power, legislative authorities at the regional level. The revelation of the essence of these categories allows you to learn more about the phenomenon of consolidation of the society and the authorities. The article discusses the value field of the relationship of the legislature at the regional level and population, the image of the legislature, as “MPs” are the key link between society and government. One of the main goals of the legislature at the regional level, the author considers the rise of social capitalization, i.e. the improvement of relations between parliamentarians and the public, depend on norms of trust and behavior, which are recreated in the mechanism of social interaction. In addition, the author considers it appropriate to bring to the demonstration status of the professionally-analytic focus of his professional activities (MP) should be positioned as an expert who is capable of making competent management decisions, thanks to its specialized professional knowledge by virtue of his education and experience). An effective tool to increase social responsibility of the deputies of the author believes Institute of feedback as a mechanism of legal liability of deputies. High level of confidence, cooperation and communication constitute social capital of parliament, and if it is developed, the image of the parliament is characterized by positive dynamics. Communication, building confidence, development of cooperation – are the main practical forms of investment in the development of social capital of the legislature at the regional level.
Key words legislative authority at the regional level, public opinion, trust, moral authority, social capital, the image of power.
Article information
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