Article name The Enrichment of the Educational Process of the Military Institute of Interior Troops of the MIA of Russia by Dialogic Interaction Between Teachers and Students as a Condition for the Development of Communicative Culture of Cadets
Authors Borovitskiy A.M. Lieutenant Colonel,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.14
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the dialogic interaction between teachers and students in the educational process of the Military Institute of Interior Troops of the MIA of Russia as one of the revealed pedagogical conditions conducive to the development of the communicative culture of the cadets of this Institute. It is expressed in student-centered learning bearing a dialogue, mutual understanding and the consent of both parties in this process. Based on this, there is a transition from monologue to dialogue, from the subject-object relationship of inhibitor to the facilitating, subject-subject interaction in the direction of the enrichment of knowledge and development of acquired communicative experience reflection by the cadets. In the article, the author reflects the relevance of choice of pedagogical conditions, methods and forms of development of cadets’ communicative culture in the educational process of the Military Institute of Interior Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia taking into account the specificity of the educational institution. Due to their special daily routine, the cadets are limited in access to electronic search engines, electronic libraries containing humanitarian and specialized literature, as well as other concentrated amounts of publicly available information located in the global computer network, the Internet. The article gives some examples of “case study” solutions as a form of dialogic interaction between a teacher and a student.
Key words enrichment of the educational process, dialogic interaction, communicative culture, cadets, military Institute, interior troops of the MIA of Russia, peculiarities, pedagogical conditions, experiment.
Article information
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Full articleThe Enrichment of the Educational Process of the Military Institute of Interior Troops of the MIA of Russia by Dialogic Interaction Between Teachers and Students as a Condition for the Development of Communicative Culture of Cadets