Article name The Struggle for the Elimination of Cruelty and Violence Against Women: the Case of France
Authors Lotova I.P. Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Orekhova E.Y. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.6
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the analysis of the essence and content of domestic violence against women, it presents occurrence of this phenomenon in the world including statistical data on violence against women in Russia. Sociodemographic characteristic of aggressors who are mostly men is given; the notion of violence is defined; different types and forms of violence are considered. Each type of violence presents a separate problem with its specific features. A family is considered as the main source of violence. The authors also touch upon a problem of psychology of violence victims relating it to the notion of victimity and underline that maladaptive mother’s reaction to domestic violence is adopted by children. The paper contains a detailed description of the prevalence of family violence against women in France and presents the French experience of the struggle against cruelty and violence. The authors analyze the plan for the struggle against violence for the period from 2014 to 2016 and the True Gender Equality Act approved by the Senate and the National Assembly of France in 2014. The state support of one-parent families has been increased. Comprehensive measures that must be implemented to ensure the safety of the family in our country are named. The authors emphasize the importance of theoretical evidence of domestic violence problem.
Key words sexual abuse, physical violence, psychological abuse, woman, family, legislation against violence, prevention, France.
Article information
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Full articleThe Struggle for the Elimination of Cruelty and Violence Against Women: the Case of France