Article name The System of Developing Students’ Regulatory Universal Learning Habits While Working on Texts at the Classes of the Russian Language
Authors Antoshkina A.A. Postgraduate Student,,
Bibliographic description
UDK 373
Article type
Annotation The article describes the elements of the students’ development in terms of regulatory universal learning habits (ULH). The Federal state educational standards for the Russian language define the formation of ULH as one of the secondary education objectives. Hence, this article reveals the necessity of the specially organized systemic textual work at the lessons of the Russian language. The author points out two stages in the work aimed at developing the students’ regulatory ULH, identifies the peculiarities of the elaborated system of learning tasks, specifies the learning objectives for every stage, describes the students’ and the teacher’s actions. The analysis of the school textbooks for the Russian language resulted in the assumption that it is necessary to enlarge the system of exercises so that the students could develop their regulatory ULH and achieve meta-subject results in learning the Russian language. The article describes the components of the system elaborated by the author to develop the students’ regulatory ULH during their work on the text, it presents questions and tasks that might enlarge the exercises given in the textbook of the Russian language and contribute to the formation and further development of the students’ regulatory ULH.
Key words Federal state educational standards for secondary education, regulatory universal learning habits (goal setting, planning, estimation, correction), textual activity, reflection.
Article information
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Full articleThe System of Developing Students’ Regulatory Universal Learning Habits While Working on Texts at the Classes of the Russian Language